Azon, a feisty and bubbly woman known for the generosity of her heart, meets Joey, a divorcee who still harbors the scars of his ex-wife's infidelity in this romance-family drama tackling unconditional love, sacrifices and aging from the perspective of two elderly overseas Filipino workers in the winter of their lives.
Umjolo: My Beginning My End
Your Fault
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim
Umjolo: My Beginning, My End!
Kang Mak (From Pee Mak)
Fatal Obsession
A Fake Pretty Woman
The Tragic Fantasy: Tiger of Wanchai
Freedom Run Q
Ancient Chinese Whorehouse
Maple Leaf Dreams
House of Ga'a
The True Story of the Nun of Monza
A Summer in La Goulette
Bye Bye Morons
Chances Are, You and I
The Persian Version
Criminal Lovers